About Me
Learn more about the life, family, and ministry of Mrs. Tania Case

About Tania
Mrs. Tania Case wife, mother, ordained pastor, mentor, journalist, and author has a passion for seeing people from all walks of life made whole through properly addressing their past trauma and developing a healthy outlook on life through the power of GOD.
Mrs. Case enjoys a rich 21-year-old marriage with her husband Errington Case. Together they parent three world changers: Justice, Noah, and Chloe. She is the Founder of the Wife Material Mentorship Program where she focuses on her God-given purpose to help transform single, separated, and divorced women. Alongside Mr. Case, she offers couple's counseling and bible study ministry for new and developing Christians alike.
Tania has authored numerous pieces from blogs and articles to children and faith-based books. Her most popular faith-based book "Wife Material" and its interactive counterpart Wife Material Workbook took the world by surprise. Tania soon followed up with a handbook for healthy marriages titled, "What Makes Marriage Work," and the "Expectations Journal." Another life-changing book authored by Tania Case is Forming Faith: Owning My Christianity" which is perfect for persons longing for a deep-intimate relationship with GOD.
More about Tania
A permanent student of God’s Word
An Ordained Pastor
Certificate in Counselling
Certificate in Deliverance Ministry
Broadcast News Journalist
News reporter/ News Writer for National Religious Media
Host television programme over 16 years
Authored books/literature for Ministry of Education Literacy Program (Jamaica)
Founded and Coordinated Mountain Mover’s Children’s Club
Manufacturer/Principal of Sorle Sorrel Products
Family is big for Errington and Tania Case. Mrs. Case honors her husband who has been a catalyst and facilitator of her many dreams. Tania left the vibrant, stressful and chaotic newsroom after seven years to raise her first son. The couple decided that having a constant hand in the nurturing of their children was more important than climbing the corporate ladder or making more money. Hence, Tania became a stay-at-home mom who never stopped writing. Meanwhile Errington a known musician, continued in his career as an engineer. As child number two came along, she launched a company producing sorrel-based products. These products made it to the shelves of most major supermarkets in Jamaica and even debuted at the London Olympics. When a daughter was finally added to the family, they stepped further out in ministry, at times ministering as a team. This family enjoys searching and discussing the Word, sometimes arguing passionately about it, before being drawn into harmonized singing, which all enjoy! Justice, a music major plays the drum etc., Daddy (a former touring musician) the keyboard, Chloe sings like a bird and Noah brings the tenor from below, mommy is a natural first soprano and together we all sing out! Home is a place of ministry and has been for years.
Tania Case and her ministry team are a Bible-based entity that operates on the premise of the Word of GOD; which is esteemed above any other source of information. Marriage is a critical component and pivot point for much of the ministry's activities and it is understood in the way God intended according to His blueprint in Genesis 1 and 2. It is believed that healing of one’s soul affects the entire life of that person and the ministry team seeks to do so through coaching in love and healing with grace empowered by the Holy Spirit of God.