This book will be a classic that remains on bookshelves for each generation. It serves as a guide for young Christians facing the world. How does your faith as a young Christian impact the decisions that you'll have to make? I like how the author addresses fear and anxiety early in the book because they are factors that will surface when you're thrust into the world and start to experience life.
Loved this book. Easy to relate to... well written guide to self awareness...
T. Ellis
I read this book in two days!.... Couldn't put it down! First I want to affirm this author's ability to translate her knowledge experience, intuition and passion for journalism into compelling words and images that completely draws your audience in!
Her writing "danced" cross the pages in perfect synergy and harmony with each other. And for a an avid reader like myself... I found it so refreshing!... I even had to look up a couple of words that I didn't know the meaning of... Thank you!... From all the word smiths out there lol.
The way she described her journey... Her "love" story if you will, was captivating (we all have one)...It was as if I was there with her on the train ride into Atlanta... I was there at the financial aid office each time she faced such disappointment.... I was there when she encountered the different groups/ persons that called who she is and what she believes to task... And finally I was there with her when she witnessed to the Muslim man.
The book was colored with her love for God and sweet affection of The Holy Spirit... She represented Him well. One chapter stopped me right in my tracks...and drew me straight into worship. It was awesome!!!
This book is honest refreshing and compelling!... It is simply well written and everyone needs to read this beautiful love story!
Mo Mack
Tania held nothing back, she gave us an insight into her faith walk, An excellent read! Backed up with scriptures. This book has helped me look back on my FAITH JOURNEY and to realize how far I have come. I am also reminded that God wants us to trust Him. It is FAITH, not feelings, that pleases God.
For, anyone who is looking into building their faith or having their faith restored. I would highly recommend this book.
Barbara Lewis
Five Stars! This book should be read by every student starting college.. excellent read!

Wife Material
Wife Material sets out to culture women who are healed and whole and ready to take on marriage. It's a journey of unpacking the past and gaining perspective for prosperous relationships. Playing on the nature of four primary fabrics emerges the personalities of the silk, wool, linen, and cotton Wife Material. Wisdom for single women is strewn throughout the pages drawn from the Bible and surveys. It's ideal for the woman eyeing marriage.

Gail Wilkinson
Excellent Read! Intentional, Biblical, Engaging. Mrs.Case destroys the lies about marriage and ignites the flame to do the work in preparing to be a wife. Life-changing and paradigm-shattering. Thank you, Sister. #Linenwife71
Barbara Lewis
Every wife's blueprint for an excellent marriage..
Gabriel Bethune
I must say, the book is amazing so far , not just re the content but the writing style. It's easier to read because it doesn't feel like alot of facts just listed on a page but it feels like a conversation like I can hear you talking to me
Wife Material is an absolute must read for BOTH single women and men desiring marriage!!
This book gives foundational truths in pursuing a marriage that will honor God and build His Kingdom, along with practical statistics for the analytical mind.
As a woman of God who has been divorced for six yrs, this brings HOPE! Oh, if I knew then what I know now...but God is sovereign and nothing in my life is wasted, not even divorce! REAL INTROSPECT..Changed Perspective!!
Thank you Mrs. Case for demystifying the Wife Material model, and for reminding me that the Word of God is clear in answering the question "What does God think of me"?
Thank you for highlighting that the journey of a godly marriage will reveal the intricate and priceless treasure God has created me to be and there is so much more to me that has not been revealed.
Yes, I know God has never forgotten a promise for He watches over every word of His to perform it! I am thinking again, fresh thoughts that come from my Father's mind about my future! #Cotton&WoolBlend
Thessa Smith
You did an excellent job in making this book very easy to read, to learn from, and most importantly, so, so real!!
I could actually visualize your thought processes and reactions in some of the personal stories shared, which brought the book to life!!
Love the book cover! One can actually see the fabric of various colors and 'feel' their texture.
Overall, as a single female, it impressed on me, the importance of allowing the Lord to transform me daily by the renewing of my mind, as He prepares me to meet my destined, God-chosen spouse. Your writing enabled me to get a true picture into some areas to pay key attention to in fostering harmony in my marriage when it arrives; letting go of 'self' and 'selfish' desires in order to co-exist with my husband.
I would recommend this book to any female desirous in settling down in marriage and also to any, who is already on that journey, as it can only improve the quality of your marriage.
Blessings Tania and we await more books!
Thessa - Jamaica

Sandrine Stephens
Wife Material is one of the easiest, most profound book to read on marriage. while it's a preparation for single ladies, married couples and even men are allowed to read this book. The Godly fundamental principles and guidelines layout in every chapter, makes you want to feed your soul even more with the knowledge gain from this outstanding Wife Material book.
It's like talking directly to the author while reading it, it's that easy. There are even areas that covers statistical question and answer about what men desires are in a woman. I really love this book.
Being one of the "Wife Material Mentee" from this book, I must say it taught me a lot about becoming that good thing (wife) before marriage. In this book I am the wool material and if you read it, you'll see all the characteristics and personality of what a wool wife is all about. While I do have traits of different materials, I stand out more in wool. I learned so much about the kind of wife I will become.
After reading this book, it's like emptying yourself before God, so He can fill you with all His Godly desires in finding that good thing which will eventually leads to marriage. The author takes true authentic and real life experiences from her life story to write this book and make it your own. Her own life experiences makes you want to know so much more about her and what her next book will be like. God has truly used her and still using her for His GLORY.
Just what a woman needs. Easy to read and highly recommended!
Mo Mack
Wife Material is a thorough and thought-provoking page-turner. It gives detailed descriptions and definition of true "wife material." For me personally, this book helps me to better understand how my Abba Father prepares me to become a Proverbs 31 kind of woman: and how I align myself with Him to be ready for a godly marriage. I say godly marriage because this book speaks about marriages that are ordained by God. It is precise, additionally, each topic/stories speak profoundly from a Biblical perspective.
Thank you Tania Case for following God's lead to put this book together. Bless you.
Annie Binns
Being married for so many years, I was surprised to see the amount of work I could do to improve my own marriage. Thank you so much for answering God's call to write this book and for impacting my life in such a major way. I am forever grateful, Mrs. Tania Case!

What Makes
Marriage Work
A principled approach to a strong marriage. Whether preparing for marriage or seeking to upgrade yours, you'll find that this book lays a strong foundation for a flourishing marriage in a clear, friendly, and concise fashion. You can truly be happily married long after the honeymoon.

The Expectations Journal:
A Premarital Conversation Piece
Make dating a discovery with this couple's journal that walks the two through their premarital journey and into years of fruitful marriage. This book is designed to help couples uncover the greatest to the least desire that each expects to be met in marriage. It is tastefully decorated with prompts that will provoke meaningful conversations while turning the dating experience into a romantic discovery.

Built In His Image:
Eternal By Desgin
A mentoring guide which explains the purpose for GOD making mankind in His image and likeness. With a strong scriptural base, this book takes you to your true identity in God as HE intended from the beginning. Through this book we journey into the unlocking of intricate truths that reveals man’s initial design and how it is restored.
With eternity in mind, the rebuilt man will make decisions differently, handle relationships purposefully and consider his work and worth from a godly perspective. This book is aimed at refocusing men so they come into the revelation of God’s original blueprint for their lives.

A Must-Read!
We are so familiar with ourselves yet unaware of how we are wired. Written into our DNA is the program of Meology. It hides under our motives and springs up in our everyday life. It is a heightened and habitual focus on self that threatens to rob us of our greatest conquests and achievements as God's image and likeness on the earth. Unless we master Meology, we will find ourselves cycling failures and wondering why we do not see the plans and provisions of God manifested in our lives.
Meology leads us to self-sabotage out of a false notion of self-protection. It raises its head in relationships and thwarts a wide variety of opportunities. It's rooted in fear and resists the Holy Spirit. What if Meology is blocking your path to your full potential in purpose? You’d be mistaken if you downgrade it to just selfishness. Meology can hide in the ignoble act of self-preservation at the expense of missing God...His plan, His best. Let’s expose this culprit and be about our Father’s business. It's time to master Meology and become a son of God.

One Flesh
From the beginning of time, GOD made them to become "one flesh." One Flesh” - a strategy for forming strong, unbreakable marital bonds exceeding the typical one-dimensional union. Understand each other better and bridge the gaps that threaten the formation of strong unbreakable marital bonds.
This book provides a detailed examination of this union, coupled with secrets from the Bible unlocked from the secret place with God, that will provide answers to the probing questions and solutions to the myriad of issues that threaten the formation and sustainability of a strong marital bond, even in trying times