One of the best kept secret in Christianity is how much it is the ideal tool to prepare you for marriage!

Nobody told us that was what it does! Consider this, the attributes we develop in living a godly life are attributes needed to have a healthy, buoyant and beautiful marriage. So, if we become diligent in following the ways of God, the benefits are going to carry over into marriage. Ding !Ding!
Faithfulness does not start when you meet him. It starts by your obedience and discipline to get up and meet with HIM...a vibrant devotional life.
Love, is not an emotion. It is your commitment to be (1 Cor 13) patient, kind, longsuffering, forgiving and gracious to the brothers and sisters that you are encountering in your Christian walk. When you sign the marriage covenant and say "I love you," you know what you have really signed up for.
Self-control is not just an intangible fruit of the Spirit. It is the practice needed over your tongue before you have someone in your space all day, sometimes irritating you. But, you have already been
putting the brakes on your tongue.
Humility affords you opportunities for God to use you anywhere because your servant-heart won't get puffed up and think it's all about you. Marriage is where humility get's a's where you can say "I'm sorry. Forgive me. How can I love you better?"
I could go on but I think you got it! Being a diligent Christian is the best preparation for being an excellent wife and purpose partner!
Wife Material Mentorship begins January 21, 2023.
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