The wedding was a major accomplishment! The outstanding and exquisite moments of the day stays on replay in your thoughts. The honeymoon felt like a dream that takes you into a whole new world together. Finally together without restraint. Returning to a home made for the establishment of this union, has many sweet spots. Although life’s demands barge in, the honeymoon continues, except for a few punctuated moments…

“Clearly we are one!”
Everyday living carries with it a fair amount of revelations.
(Parading its proud self down the runway void of applause.) Here is…
“How could you get that from what I just said?”
“That’s not what I was trying to say.”
Mis- Takes
“Why are you taking offense at that little thing?”
Each conflict is accompanied by fear. It would do each person a lot of good to identify the fear found in the conflict and confront it in one’s self. Early conflicts in marriage can feel overwhelming and daunting since they are not planned for or even foreseen. The thought comes to mind in the moment, that this situation is permanent and you’re stuck!
What you are encountering is common to man and woman. Now you understand how different your backgrounds are and how also different your expectations. The same misplaced issues can benefit you greatly depending on how you handle them.
Communicate not to win the argument but for the union to win. This takes practice and maturity to put aside selfishness.
Understanding that this person you just married loves you and does not have the motive of hurting you, lessens the weight of offense. Motive matters.
Take time to learn each other as a student studies a new subject and understand that there will be a lot of give and takes in the process of the two becoming one.
You are both in a period of great adjustments and this requires giving each other the space to be imperfect but loved. Ladies, he may have a different concept of clean – be patient. Remember not to hyper-correct all things that defy your marital expectations.
Don’t even entertain the thought of going home, you are home!
Welcome to Marriage!
It’s a wonderful work!